Police filed multiple murder and frustrated murder charges against top leaders of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) headed by chairman Hashim Salamat and two relatives of the alleged suicide bomber blamed for the airport bombing last Tuesday that left 23 people dead and 115 others wounded. Charged with the MILF leaders were Terso Sudang, a barangay captain of Kabacan, Cotabato and Undungan Sudang, father of Muntazer Sudang, the suspected suicide bomber who died in the same bombing incident. The two are presently detained at the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group headquarters. Terso and Undungan were among the 11 suspects invited to the CIDG for questioning in connection with Tuesday’s bombing of the DIA waiting shed. The remaining nine suspects were released Friday. The Sudangs tried came to claim the body of Muntazer at the Davao Medical Center (DMC) when CIDG agents picked them for questioning. The CIDG accused the Sudangs of being active members of the MILF under the direct control of Salamat. Full Story
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