A Turlock High School senior has been arrested for allegedly hacking into the school district computer network and taking encrypted files. Police believe the 17-year-old intended to prove that the system was vulnerable. Police said the student had told his computer teacher about the system’s flaws, and the teacher told the network administrator about them, but the administrator told the teacher that exploiting that security flaw was not possible, said Sheriff’s Sgt. Adam Christianson. So police said the student, who was arrested Feb. 5, broke into the network, which contains personnel records and grade reports, copied encrypted files with user names and passwords for the district’s 1,300 employees and took the data home. Police said that at home, the boy decrypted the information using a free Web download. Police said he then took the information to school and showed his computer teacher. “What he should have done is offer to sit down with the teacher and the administrator and demonstrate the hole with their permission,” Christianson said. Full Story
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