Razor’s Edge Ventures, National Security Investment and the Future of American Competitiveness

As OODA CEO Matt Devost mentioned at OODAcon 2022,  Razor’s Edge Ventures recently made a commitment to national security investment to enhance American competitiveness by closing on a fund dedicated to “current technology areas of interest for the firm, which are informed by strategic U.S. national security priorities, [such as] autonomous systems, space technologies, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence/machine learning, digital signal processing, and other aerospace and defense technologies.” The venture capital community is focusing its efforts on this sector, which has been formatively dubbed the “defense-related technologies” or “defense capabilities” sector.   Razor’s Edge efforts are very similar to that of America’s Frontier Fund (AFF). As AFF Co-founder and President Jordan Blashek notes:  “China invests for power, whereas the United States invests for profit. Success for America’s Frontier Fund is to do both.”