Now is the time to tell our soldiers in Iraq that “hot pursuit” is okay, that the terrorist training camps on both sides of Iraq are legitimate targets, to be attacked in self-defense. Now is the time to tell the Iraqi government to come forward with the abundant evidence of Iranian evil-doing, and that we will support a fight against the mullahs’ foot soldiers in Iraq. These actions will signal the next stage of the war against the terror masters, which is the vigorous support of the pro-democracy forces in Syria and Iran.
It is a wondrous window of opportunity. As so often in our history, it was opened by our enemies. Let’s go for it.
You grab the tiger by the tail – even a seemingly lethargic and wary one – you should have a plan for dealing with his teeth. Predators don’t take a bite out of a hind-quarter and let the prey amble off; they go for the neck because a) you eat better and b) swinging hooves and horns can kill.