More than 30 Years ago, crime-fighting techniques shifted from the traditional model of policing in the 1960s to the community policing principles of the 1970s. At that time the law enforcement profession witnessed a major change in how it combated crime. Police departments across the country began to work more closely with the communities they served in an effort to open lines of communication and generate information that could address the root causes of crime. These same community policing principles greatly contribute to law enforcement’s counterterrorism efforts today. Facing a global threat of terrorism and another possible attack on U.S. soil, law enforcement agencies again are witnessing a major modification in how they deploy and utilize resources to fight both crime and terrorism. Local and state police, as first responders and as investigators, are working with their federal counterparts to create information-sharing initiatives that will enable all law enforcement agencies to help detect, prevent, and respond to a terrorist threat or attack.
About OODA Analyst
OODA is comprised of a unique team of international experts capable of providing advanced intelligence and analysis, strategy and planning support, risk and threat management, training, decision support, crisis response, and security services to global corporations and governments.