Chris is 15 years old. He likes to blow things up. Chris makes his own bombs with instructions he gets off the Internet. He says he does it for the rush. The ingredients are just lying around the house. Gasoline. Aluminum foil. Ammonia. Bleach. PVC pipe. Match heads. Chris has even gotten water to explode. “I got too close and the flame came across my face,” Chris says. “I lost both eyebrows.” He told his father he got crazy at a party and shaved them. “I’m a quick thinker,” he says. One time, Chris made acetone peroxide. A lot of suicide bombers use a version of acetone peroxide, and it may have played a role in the London subway and bus bombings. Acetone peroxide is shock-sensitive. Bump it too hard and, boom, up in smoke. It’s so deadly terrorists call it the “Mother of Satan.” Full Story
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