Hacking attempts through China and ethnic Chinese areas like Hong Kong and Taiwan are geometrically increasing this year. During the first half of the year, the number of hacking attempts from China increased 17 times as many as the total of last year and hacking attempts by Taiwanese people also increased by four times. Therefore, concerns over a possible start of a hacking attack from China and Chinese ethnic regions are arising. According to the Korean Information Security Agency (KIS), a total of 10,628 cases of hacking attempts from China were reported in the first half of the year. The figure increased by 30 times and almost 17 times, compared to 353 cases in the same period of last year and 627 cases in the entire previous year. Hacking attempts from China were concentrated between March and May this year. Hacking cases were a mere 42 and 32 in January and February. They then drastically jumped to 1,664 in March, 5,168 in April and 3,685 in May. And then, hacking attempts by Chinese people reduced once again to 37 cases in June. Full Story
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