Kifie-D worm begins overwriting docs on a Sunday.
The worm spreads through email as well as peer-to-peer filesharing networks such as KaZaA, and instant messaging systems such as AIM. It copies itself to local drives and performs a Registry edit. It also displays a message box with the text: ‘There was a critical error in the application the video driver could not load. If you continue to experience problems try restarting your computer’. However, the worm has a logic bomb that sets it to work on a Sunday, when it creates two files: kirbyflood.vbs and kirbyflood.bat. The former creates message boxes in a loop with the text ‘Are you ready? W32.Kirby.Fl00der By L0new0lf’. kirbyflood.bat runs the .vbs file and displays the message ‘l0new0lf strikes again W32.Kirby.Fl00der By L0new0lf’. Full Story