Last month saw a spike in the number of moderately destructive viruses in the Asia-Pacific, while the Nokia phone giveaway hit the top of the email hoax charts globally. Security software firm Symantec said it received an increase in virus submissions and customer reports from the Asia-Pacific region in May, largely as a result of two Category Three (CAT 3) virus outbreaks – the Fizzer and Sobig.B (also called Mankx or Palyh), a variant of the older Sobig worm . Symantec rates the destructive power of a computer virus from CAT 1 to 5, with CAT 5 being the most severe and one being the least. CAT 3 viruses are considered a moderate threat, “characterized either as highly wild but reasonably harmless and containable, or potentially dangerous and uncontainable if released into the wild”, according to the company’s Web site. In a statement issued last week, Symantec ranked Fizzer and Sobig.B among its top five threats globally and in Asia-Pacific. Full Story
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