The Lashkar-e-Taiba has planned attacks on activists of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), the RSS and Hindu shrines across the country to avenge the killing of Muslims during Gujarat riots, Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police A K Suri said on Thursday. “We have arrested a top militant commander of Lashkar who has revealed that the militant outfit has decided to target VHP/RSS activists and Hindu temples across the country, including the Somnath temple, for avenging the killing of Muslims in Gujarat,” Suri told reporters here. The DGP said the arrested LeT commander Zia Mustafa had received instructions from his mentors in Pakistan to strictly comply with the latest decision. “The LeT operatives were also told to establish their presence among the Muslim youth in Delhi, Gujarat and other parts of the country for waging jehad (holy war),” Suri said. Full Story
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