Hacker attacks continued to plague the Web site of Arab satellite TV network al-Jazeera on Thursday, as cyber-vandals replaced the news site with a stars-and-stripes logo saying “Let Freedom Ring.”
Both the Arabic site, at (http://www.aljazeera.net), and the English-language version at (http://english.aljazeera.net) could not be accessed on Thursday. Users who tried to log onto the site found a message that read, “Hacked by Patriot, Freedom Cyber Force Militia” beneath a logo containing the U.S. flag. “This broadcast was brought to you by: Freedom Cyber Force Militia,” the site said. “God bless our troops!!!” Al-Jazeera information technology manager Salah Al Seddiqui said someone had hijacked the domain name and redirected it to another server computer. “Our Web site is working but nobody can see it,” Al Seddiqui said. The al-Jazeera Web site has faced near-constant cyber attacks since an English-language version devoted exclusively to the war in Iraq was launched on Monday. Full Story