Human error, not technology, is the most significant cause of IT security breaches, according to a security survey released by the Computing Technology Industry Association Inc. (CompTIA) today. The survey, “Committing to Security: A CompTIA Analysis of IT Security and the Workforce,” suggests more training and certification of IT workers will help the U.S. protect itself against cyberthreats. In more than 63% of security breaches identified by the survey’s respondents, human error was the major cause. Respondents blamed only 8% of security breaches on purely technical failures. Brian McCarthy, CompTIA’s CEO, called the results “staggering” in a statement. He said a majority of survey respondents said that most of their IT workers didn’t have security training. “It’s not about the technology, but it’s all about the people,” McCarthy said at a news conference. “Yes, technology plays a critical role, but unless you have the right people behind the wheel, and their knowledge levels are correct, you’ll have some real challenges.” Full Story
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