The Irish Honeynet enticed nearly 600 attacks in January, while the rampant Slammer worm even caused it to be brought down for a day during the month. The decoy computer network, which was established to study cyber attackers, recorded 597 attacks during January. Although this was slightly down on figures for November (634) and October (613) of last year, it is a substantial increase from the early days of the project in mid-2002 when it was attracting around 400 attacks a month. According to Colm Murphy, technical director with Espion, one of the companies involved in the Honeynet, this overall increase is probably due to the length of the time that the Irish Honeynet has been on the Internet. “If it is difficult to know what exactly has caused this jump, but it is safe to say that the longer an IP address is on-line, the more it will be attacked,” Murphy told ElectricNews.Net. Designed to imitate common Internet infrastructures, Honeynets are “wired” with detection sensors to capture all network activity. A Honeynet is not advertised, so any traffic to it is suspicious by nature. The idea behind it is to learn more about how hackers and would-be attackers operate so that computer systems can be better protected. January also saw a demonstration of how potentially destructive the recently released Slammer worm could be. The virus, which exploited a six-month old vulnerability in Microsoft SQL Server 2000, wreaked havoc for a couple of days in the last week of January. Full Story
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