A small team of American Special Operations forces, armed with intelligence recovered during the arrest of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, has been dispatched to the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan in an attempt to find Osama bin Laden, government officials said today. The search unit has so far failed to determine the whereabouts of the leader of Al Qaeda, the officials said, adding that they remain hopeful that the long search for Mr. bin Laden, who slipped away in December 2001 during a battle with American forces in Afghanistan, may be near an end. But with no progress to report, American officials tried today to ratchet down expectations of an immediate capture of Mr. bin Laden. Hopes had soared after the arrest of Mr. Mohammed last Saturday in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. With the American team still in the region, Pakistan has reinforced its own heavy presence in the border region with additional troops, an American official said. The Pakistani troops are being sent to aid in the search and provide a barrier to prevent an escape by Mr. bin Laden and his entourage of aides and security personnel. Full Story
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