The Internet is an empowering tool for small businesses. With such wide access, companies can connect with millions of potential customers despite geographic locations. This allows for greater customer service and has improved the over-all way people do business. This powerful tool has become a necessity for anyone wishing to reach, serve, and keep customers. At the same time, the Internet is becoming more and more dangerous and attack methods more sophisticated. Recently the infectious and highly geographically distributed worm, dubbed Slammer, gained high visibility in the media, further increasing the awareness of vulnerabilities present to a connected company. The worm, which sends out a flood of packets, acts similar to a denial-of- service attack, an explicit hacker attempt with the sole intention of keeping legitimate users of a network from using that service and/or disrupting normal business operations. Previously, two “blended threats”, Code Red and Nimda, were also highly covered topics in the news. Blended threats combine the characteristics of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and/or malicious code with server and Internet vulnerabilities to initiate, transmit, and spread an attack. Full Story
About OODA Analyst
OODA is comprised of a unique team of international experts capable of providing advanced intelligence and analysis, strategy and planning support, risk and threat management, training, decision support, crisis response, and security services to global corporations and governments.