Sindh Chief Minister Sardar Ali Mohammed Mahar on Sunday announced a compensation of Rs100,000 each for the deceased victims and Rs25,000 each for those injured in the firing incident near an Imambargah in Rifah-i-Aam Society on Saturday. A spokesman said the chief minister also directed that all the injured be provided treatment and the dead bodies be transported to the native towns of the deceased on government expenses. The chief minister also ordered strict security measures at all mosques, Imambargahs and other sensitive places, particularly during the coming month of Muharramul Haram. Presiding over a high-level meeting on law and order at the chief minister’s house here on Sunday, he said that in future the TPOs and SHOs would be held responsible for any incident of terrorism. He said the Rifah-i-Aam incident was a conspiracy to create sectarian and religious hatred before the month of Muharram. Full Story
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