The longest-running insurgency in India is in and around the northeastern state of Nagaland. Its origins go back half a century to the mid-1950s when A.Z. Phizo hoisted a flag in his ancestral village and launched a brutal insurrection that took several years to quell. In 1960, an agreement was reached between the bulk of the insurgents and New Delhi, but the depredations of the discontents continued. For the past several decades, the insurgency has been led by the National Socialist Council of Nagaland, or NSCN. Since the late 1980s it has split into two major factions, the NSCN-IM led by Isaac Swu and the NSCN-K led by T. Muivah. This insurgency is not only the longest running in the country, it is also called “the Mother of all Insurgencies” for the patronage it extends to almost any group in the northeast that targets the unity and integrity of India. Full Story
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