Today marks the 5th anniversary of the OKC bombing. The dedication of the memorial will be broadcast on all of the major networks. Four years ago, we started the Terrorism Research Center as an independent research insitute. Today, we provide resources to hundreds of thousands of researchers per month, provide information to academic institutes and students, provide professional services and consulting to government and industry, and serve as an online community were tens of thousands of messages have been exchanged.
Today, we launch a new site design for our front page which will soon be replicated throughout the entire site and an intensive research effort to produce an extensive amount of original research and analysis. We have also removed our veil of anonymity, so you can read about the individuals associated with the TRC.
Please join us in remembering the events that occured five years ago. Our memories give us the conviction to work harder to understand and prevent acts of terrorism.
Washington Post, CNN, and CBS News are a just a few of the organizations covering the Memorial dedication.