Item 1: Jihadists issue their own “Security Report” for their operations in Pakistan
Item 2: From the manuals of al-Qaeda trainer Abu Musab al-Suri: “Presenting the Soldiers with the Method of the Remote Control”
Item 3: Power point presentation on constructing IEDs and car bombs posted on Jihadist website.
Item 4: Chechen jihad leader emphasizes his desire to attack within Russia.
Item 5: Calls to kill anyone involved in the making of the short film “Submission.”
Item 6: Video Available: Hamas drills in the nighttime streets of Gaza
The Terror Web Watch collects intelligence through active monitoring of Jihadist and other threat group web sites, forums, and other communication environments. Terrorists and their supporters call it Jihad electroni, the electronic Jihad. For them, exploiting the Internet is considered a vital part of raising money, spreading their ideology, building up support, and inspiring others to become terrorists. To a lesser extent, the Internet is also used for training, by circulating training manuals and videos, for discussing targets, and for planning and organizing operations.
Given how important the Internet is to terrorists and to the greater radical Islamist movement that supports them, monitoring the activities of terrorists and suspected terrorists in cyberspace should be nearly as paramount as monitoring their activities on the ground.