Meta released Llama2 this month as a free-of-charge alternative to rival products from OpenAI and Google. The company stated its open-source AI model was intended for Microsoft, but it would be available through other partners as well. On Wednesday, Alibaba’s cloud computing division announced it will support Meta’s AI program.
The announcement marks the first Chinese company to have access to Meta’s AI technology. The partnership can provide lucrative opportunities for both companies. Alibaba’s cloud business has faced stiff domestic competition ahead of its stock market listing. China banned Facebook in 2009, but this deal will provide Meta with inroads into China’s large economy. The U.S. has sought to limit Chinese access to U.S.-developed AI technology and semiconductors. China is aggressively pursuing domestically-produced AI models to compete with U.S. companies, but American AI models currently remain ahead. Llama 2 is free for companies with less than 700 million monthly active users, and organizations above that threshold will have to purchase a license. Alibaba announced that clients seeking to provide Chinese public services using Llama2 must comply with Chinese laws.
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