Despite mass adoption of generative AI, most companies don’t have a coordinated strategy for deploying it or know how to assess its security—exposing them to risks and disadvantages if they don’t change their approach, according to Grammarly. Businesses are rushing to deploy generative AI to drive transformation. The study finds organizations are turning to the technology to address challenges like improving writing quality (47%), increasing revenue (46%), and speeding up execution (42%)—and 43% are moving more quickly than in the past with other innovations. Still, companies lag behind employees on adoption, and only 45% have an enterprise-wide strategy to ensure secure, aligned deployment across the entire organization. That leaves them vulnerable to security threats and technical consolidation challenges from disjointed and ungoverned use of generative AI—putting their business, customers, and employees at risk and jeopardizing their ability to realize the technology’s benefits down the line.
Full report : Companies are rushing into generative AI without a cohesive, secure strategy.